I've been struggling recently. To give you a little bit of a back story I was on anti depressants following a crazy battle of postpartum depression. I was diagnosed months after my first son was born in 2009, but I'm sure I started dealing with it after I had my daughter. She's now 10. Recently, I got off all antidepressants. I wanted to know what it felt like to not be on them. To see if I could do it. I had been on them on/off for 7 years. I probably should be on them to be honest, but here we are. Blogging. Perhaps this can be help. I have so much to say and no where to say it or no one to say it to, but somehow at this moment in time I find myself with nothing to say. Go figure, right? "The sun's rays don't bother me No they cast down such a wonderful heat Masking beauty By a terrible fate If you fly to close and then you turn too late The night still confuses me We'd all get tired and have to sleep eventually Regardless of the sun's dema...